On September 29 – the end of summer, Torrance Aikido Club members and their families came together at Lazy Dog Cafe in Torrance. The members enjoyed delicious meals, talking and local craft beers!
Torrance Aikido Club is now on TV at The Sports Desk from Torrance City Cable channel. Young sensei, Patrick and all members look great!
Thank you for the staff from Torrance City Cable. They created this very nice video of us. (https://www.torranceca.gov/cable)
Ki Class was held on August 8, instructed by Clarence Chinn Sensei, Chief instructor of Southern CA Ki Society.
Ki Class is not only focused on techniques, strength or weakness, but focus more on learning how to coordinate our mind and body.
The ultimate purpose of our study is to unify mind and body and become one with the Universe. The Ki Classes help us moving forward to the goal.
At Torrance Aikido Club, we practice “Oneness rhythm exercise” periodically. What is Oneness rhythm exercise? watch the video below:
We don’t wear fancy outfit, but we do practice with do-gi (Aikido clothing) and the music. How can this exercise help our Aikido practice? Shinichi Tohei Sensei (President of Ki Society) answered in his blog (shinichitohei.com) from his experience:
I started to practice Oneness rhythm exercise everyday. After two weeks of practice, I perceived a change of myself.
– I could feel tension of my body.
– I endeavored to do correct rhythm, I could relax in each motion.
– I was able to understand my teacher’s teaching more deeply than before.Oneness rhythm exercise made so much difference to my Ki-Aikido movements.
Read more at his blog: http://www.shinichitohei.com/english/2005/03/oneness_rhythm_.html
Hope this topic can solve your question. Let’s study Oneness rhythm exercise together! (^^)