Category Archives: News

Announcements of Club activities.

Ki Class in Chinn sensei – July 29th

Ki Class was held on July 29th (Monday) 7 pm, instructed by Clarence Chinn Sensei, Chief instructor of Southern CA Ki Society.  

Ki Class is not only focused on techniques, strength or weakness, but focus more on learning how to coordinate our mind and body.  The ultimate purpose of our study is to unify mind and body and become one with the Universe.  The Ki Classes help us moving forward to the goal.  


“Ki Society 2019 USA National Seminar” in Las Vegas

“Ki Society 2019 USA National Seminar” was held in June 27 – 30th at the University of Nevada  Las Vegas (UNLV) in Las Vegas.  

The seminar was set up with 350 tatami mats at the beutiful facility (UNLV Recriation and Wellness Center) at the campus.  The attendees were about 140 people and not only from the US, but also from Britain, Russia, Australia, Brazil and Japan.  

The seminar was led by Shinichi Tohei Sensei from Japan, the president of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikidokai and son of Koichi Tohei SoshuAt the seminar, we practiced various techniques based on the following themes:

  • “Become one with the universe”
  • “Ki naturally flows with everything”
  • “Keep the mind calm when moving”
  • “Moving from the tip”

Attendees from So Cal Ki-Society

UNLV Recriation and Wellness Center

UNLV Campus


Shinichi sensei has posted his blog (Japanese) about the “Ki Society 2019 USA National Seminar” with some photos as below:




Ki Class with Chinn sensei, May 6th

On May 6th, Ki Class was head instructed by Clarence Chinn Sensei, Chief instructor of Southern CA Ki Society.  

Ki Class is not only focused on techniques, strength or weakness, but focus more on learning how to coordinate our mind and body. 

The ultimate purpose of our study is to unify mind and body and become one with the Universe.  The Ki Classes help us moving forward to the goal. 


Ki Saying #10

“There is no conflict in the Absolute Universe, but there is conflict in the relative world.

If we unify our mind and body, become one with the Universe and practice its principles, others will follow us gladly.

Do not say that this is a world where we must struggle to live each day.  The true way to success is exactly one and the same as the principle of non-dissension and that is the way to peace.”


Announcement: “Ki Society 2019 USA National Seminar” in Las Vegas

Dear Torrance Aikido Club members

Ki Society 2019 USA National Seminar will be held in June 28 – 30th in Las Vegas.  (Certified Instructor Training will be in June 27th.)  The conference site is the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV).

The seminar will be led by Shinichi Tohei Sensei from Japan, the president of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikidokai and son of Koichi Tohei Soshu.  


  • 6/27 (Thu): Certified Instructors’ Training (Morning & Afternoon Training)
  • 6/28 (Fri): General Practice (Morning and Afternoon Training)
  • 6/29 (Sat): General Practice (Morning and Afternoon Training)
  • 6/30 (Sun): General Practice (Morning Training)

LOCATION:  University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) , the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC)

HOUSING and MEALS:  Dayton Complex (UNLV Conference Housing), provide Breakfast and Lunch (no Lunch on 6/30), Banquet (evening of 6/29)

SEMINAR FEE: registration dead line is May 31st.  For more information, please download the flyer and the registration form. 

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* all participants must be members of Ki Society and have approval from their Chief Instructor to attend.

This seminar will give you rare opportunity to learn Ki Aikido from directory from Shinichi Tohei Sensei, and also meet many other instructors and members who practice Ki Aikido around the United States.  

Registration dead line is May 31st !  Please submit the application ASAP.  If you have any question, please contact to Torrance Aikido Club.  We look forward to see you at the seminar!!