Shinichi Tohei Sensei at Eastern Ki Federation Summer Camp 2015

On June 18-21, Eastern Ki Federation hosted its 2015 Summer Camp in Greenville, South Carolina on the campus of Furman University. The four-day event was taught by honored guest Shinichi Tohei Sensei, President and Chief Instructor of Shinshin Toitsu Aikidokai (Ki Aikido Headquarters) in Japan. Shinichi Tohei Sensei was also assisted by Ohara Sensei, planning manager of the Kanagawa Branch of Ki Aikido in Japan.

The local EKF hosts were David Shaner, Chief Instructor of Eastern Ki Federation, Eric Harrell, Head Instructor of South Carolina Ki-Aikido and Mark Stone, Head Instructor of Furman Ki-Aikido.

There were 90 students at the event, among which two students from Torrance Aikido Club and Seattle Ki Society.

Shinichi Tohei Sensei focused on the basics of having “natural posture with Mind and Body Unified”, which was followed by “Ken (wooden sword) with Hanmi focus” as well as “Ken and arts”. Using a variety of complementary approaches, participants studied several important Ki principles, including “Ki is always moving”, “keeping focus”, and the difference between Ki and Mind. On the last day, a Ki Exam was held for 20 members, all of which passed.

The summer camp also continued off the mat, as members gathered early each morning for an hour of Ki Breathing at the Place of Peace, an authentic Japanese temple situated on the Furman University Campus. In two of the evenings, members gathered at the homes of Harrell and Shaner Sensei respectively for a warm and lovely reception.

Shinichi Tohei Sensei’s article on the event is on his blog.

For a full photo stream of the event on Facebook, please click here or here.